Thursday, January 17, 2008

how time flies...

seems like just yesterday i was posting my first post, it has been a week already. well the best laid plans and all. unfortunately my camera broke, so no photos and i have been busy at work and haven't been able to do the crafts i was planning.

i took my nieces shopping and to their tennis lesson saturday (a promise is a promise!) so that day was lost for diying. i did manage to do a little fabric and yarn shopping while we were out. living an hour away from shopping always has me making the most of the trips. i visited a nice quilt shop in vestal, grandmother's thimble. they had some prints that i have been longing to see in person. they were just as adorable in person as i thought so of course i had to purchase them.
i also picked up some beautiful merino wool yarn to make a hat i love. it is a gorgeous brown with some orange running through it. i found a wonderful pattern over at knitty called piggle. it is a lace rib hat with holes for pigtails! i just love the photo, i couldn't not make it once i saw that mug!

i have a "repair" job to do on one of my bags that i am dreading. it's not really a repair, but a request for an additional pocket on a special order xmas bag. the recipient of the bag wanted an another pocket so i will gladly do it. i just am not looking forward to undoing what's is all done, but c'est la vie! your wish is my command, or as westley says, "as you wish" (i love that movie!).

i found a great little shop on the web through one of my many favorite blogs (can't remember which one!). it is called nut and bee. the sketchbook sweeties are so cute, i personally love the august sweetie "mallow roastin' mallow". these are great and can be purchased as prints and some of them are available on paper, etc. the artist that creates them is from new zealand. enjoy the adorables!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

testing, testing...

i feel like i've just walked up to the microphone in a public speaking class & i am trying to clear my throat. i was always nervous speaking to the class & find myself somewhat nervous here. thankfully though, my face isn't bright red (at least i don't think it is!). i love to write, but have never been much of a sharer of my writings. i have journals full of my personal musings, but i never put my hand up during class to read what i had written. so, as my new year's resolution, i have resolved to "put myself out there". whew!

so now that we're past that, let me introduce myself a little. i am a 34 year old diyer that, as the name describes, stays up way too late diying (is that even a word?). many nights i have heard the clock chime 2 or 3 times while i am crafting away. i just get caught up and can't walk away. i am the same way with books.

what diying do i like to do you ask (let me keep up the pretense that there are thousands of you out there hanging on my every word, a girl can dream, huh)? i think i heard that question from the 12th row. well, i love to sew and i am finding a renewed interest in knitting, although my knitting skills are still on the scarf level. i am trying to improve, believe me. the cold weather makes me want to dig into my yarn stash. when it comes to sewing, i enjoy making bags and other accessories as well as my latest obsession - baby gifts. from baby quilts to bibs, i find these pieces flying off my sewing machine lately.

another reason for my decision to start a blog was to improve my picture taking skills. i am a bad photographer. one only has to take a peek at my flickr page to see the evidence. i avoid taking photos almost as much as i avoid being photographed. so, another part of my resolution is to start taking & sharing more photos. under the old adage from my coaches - practice makes perfect (or not), i am going to try to take pictures every day. bear with me, some of them will be totally irrelevant and some of them will be from my new camera phone, which i am still trying to figure out. some will be high quality, some low quality. some of my creations, some of my surroundings. some of...okay, i am sure you get the picture (no pun intended), i will be taking pictures.

i am closing it out for the day. i have to run to the fabric store & also pick up supper. hopefully i will be back tomorrow and maybe even have some photos!